Click to view a large version of this print
Year - 1956
Original Size - 9x9
Print Sizes-
Small - 11x24
Medium - 16x16
Large - 24x24
X-Large - 36x36
Also available as a high resolution digital image file. Digital image files will be delivered via email shortly after your order is placed.
Comment - This image is made from a high quality 9x9 air photograph contact print, part of a set of prints which cover Route 105 in Richford, Jay, and surrounding area in 1956. The scale of the originals is unknown (small scale). Because the original negatives were so large, enlarged reprints can be made. Details will appear fuzzy because these are pictures made from an airplane. Note that each pic overlaps the next one. Each image has a number in the upper right hand corner that corresponds to a number on the index map.
Year - 1956
Original Size - 9x9
Print Sizes-
Small - 11x24
Medium - 16x16
Large - 24x24
X-Large - 36x36
Also available as a high resolution digital image file. Digital image files will be delivered via email shortly after your order is placed.
Comment - This image is made from a high quality 9x9 air photograph contact print, part of a set of prints which cover Route 105 in Richford, Jay, and surrounding area in 1956. The scale of the originals is unknown (small scale). Because the original negatives were so large, enlarged reprints can be made. Details will appear fuzzy because these are pictures made from an airplane. Note that each pic overlaps the next one. Each image has a number in the upper right hand corner that corresponds to a number on the index map.